This is the face

This is the face of somebody who attempted suicide.
This is the face of somebody who was riddled with PTSD.
This is the face of somebody who was drinking & doing drugs on a regular basis to block out the thoughts.
This is the face of grief.
This is the face of somebody who had lost their identity surviving abuse at the hands of others.
This is the face of somebody who was so angry at the world.
This is the face of the life and soul of the party.
This is the face of pain.
This is the face of the person their friends would turn to in times of need.
This is the face of the person that silently continued with life.
This is the face of the business owner.
This is the face of the world traveller.
This is the face of suffering.
This is the face of strength.
There is nothing you cannot do.
This is.


My Journey

When it comes to the Self Development Journey I have lived, breathed & bled it.  There were only so many times I could sit at rock bottom until I realised it was down to me to do anything and everything I could to get out of it if I wanted to enjoy this blessing that is life. 

Over the years I slowly stripped away the person I had turned into and rebuilt myself brick by brick into the person I am today.

You name a therapy, I dived head first into it… Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EFT, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Meditation, Shamanic Healing.

I journeyed deep into the depths of my being through sacred medicines such as Ayahuasca, Bufo, Kambo, Cacao, Hape, Sananga.

There is not one therapy that I offer or will refer somebody to that I haven’t used on myself and more importantly seen through to the very end.

I dedicate my life to this.

“Life; whilst it may be short, let’s make it beautiful” – Fiona, FL Therapy Practice